
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Savings Deposit - Transaction Information

The Savings Deposit - Transaction Information screen enables you to enter the deposits transaction information and will also display the savings transaction history for the client.

Note that before you can be able to make deposits:

1. Clients should have been registered under Client/Individual Clients for Individual clients and Client/Group Clients for group clients.
2. The savings products (Free savings, Guarantee savings, Current account ) should have been defined under System/Configuration/Products
3. Respective savings GL accounts should have been configured under System/Configuration/Savings Accounts Settings


How to enter a Savings Deposits

To enter a client’s savings deposit you go to Savings->Savings Deposit and a screen appears which looks like the one below:

You can choose to display the number of the last transaction made or select "retrieve all" and will appear in the next screen that appears.

Note that if the amount deposited is by cheque, then it is automatically assumed that any amounts for stationery, commission or penalties are also paid by the same cheque.

Click on the Save button to complete the transaction.

A savings deposit slip will be displayed and you can print it for future reference. See below.

Close the receipt to exit.



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